Following the revision of its Key Coaching Competencies in November 2019, ICF has also just released the updated version of the "PCC Markers" or "PCC Level Indicators". These are a list of indicators by competency that specify the observable behaviors a coach is expected to demonstrate in a PCC-level coaching conversation. As was the case with the Key Competencies, which were reduced from 11 to 8 in the revision process, the new version of the list of indicators has 37 points instead of the previous 47.

What are CCP Level Indicators?

The PCC Level Indicators are the basis of the evaluation system used by ICF to assess recordings submitted as part of an application for a PCC credential via Portfolio. It seeks to ensure an objective and internationally aligned performance evaluation process: all evaluators receive the same training to analyze the presence of the indicators in a coaching conversation. 

It is therefore a very important document for coaches who want to become certified on their own, because it provides a guide to decide if the session you are going to submit to ICF meets the requirements of the PCC level. Even for coaches who opt for the ACC level, I recommend these indicators as a target, although with more flexibility on some of the points.

Becoming aware in order to continue growing

Part of my Mentor Coaching work involves training coaches to become aware of how coaching competency is evidenced in a real conversation. 

We may be able to identify when we have asked a powerful question, or if we have facilitated the creation of an action plan, but there are other competencies that are more difficult to demonstrate. For example, when can we say that the coach is fully present, is an active listener, or has built a trusting relationship with the client? 

The indicators help us look at the session objectively and argue when there is sufficient evidence to say that the coach has mastered the competency.

Of course, the reflection that emerges from this analysis provides a basis for continuing to grow as coaches, discovering or confirming strengths and also identifying ways in which we can enhance our coaching to be a truly transformative accompaniment for our clients.  

An aspiration

In this regard, it is important to note that the indicators are aspirational. It is not necessary to meet all 37 points for a session to be considered a CCP level session, nor is it necessary to go through each marker as if it were a shopping list. We do need to ensure that throughout the conversation with the client, the strong presence of each of the competencies can be observed.

In the following link you can consult the new indicators. If you are interested in exploring what was so good about that session in which the client left delighted, or what was missing in another session where you did not perceive a significant impact on the coachee, let yourself be enlightened by these markers!