For companies and institutions that want to work with coaches or already do, both with internal and external coaches, I offer my services and specialties that guarantee a truly effective performance:


A professionalized Pool of Internal Coaches is a key tool for companies seeking to address organizational and talent development processes from within. Ensuring the long-term effectiveness of internal coaching and unleashing the full potential of the pool is a path that is not without obstacles.

Supervision for Coaches accompanies coaches and the company in this process.

The benefits of Coach Supervision for organizations and their coaches are manifold.


Often, internal coaches have other responsibilities within the company. The joint reflection provided by regular Group Supervision helps to keep the "community of coaches" active and the sense of a team with a shared mission very important for external coaches as well.very important for external coaches as well.


What makes supervision really effective for organizations is that coaches have a forum to share doubts that arise in their coaching processes, and to find new and creative ways to accompany their clients with their challenges.


While respecting strict confidentiality agreements, the supervision space allows for the unveiling of possible organizational patterns. In this way, the learning team of coaches is both at the service of their individual clients and the organization as such.


Supervision is also a space to continue the development of coaching competencies, providing training elements that are practiced in the group and enhance the effectiveness of the coaching processes with the company's managers.


For more effective leadership

Organizations that seek to maintain their high competitiveness and aspire to be not only good but outstanding as a company are aware of the need to implement strategies that transform and develop their human capital.

To achieve high and sustainable levels of performance, they need to go beyond traditional development strategies, recognizing and developing the full potential of people at different levels of the organization, and preparing them to be able to respond to the demands of the VUCA world. Executive coaching is the way to achieve this.


While the specific objectives of the coaching process are defined jointly by the manager and the organization according to the needs detected, we can highlight the general benefits:

  • To have a confidential space to explore the current professional moment and build a new stage of satisfaction and effectiveness.

  • Become aware of one's leadership style, mission, personal and professional values, talents and strengths.

  • Clarify obstacles that may interfere with the achievement of the vision and develop new resources to address them

  • Improve the ability to build positive relationships and enhance the development of individuals and teams.

  • Create action plans to move towards identified objectives and continue to grow

As a result of the coaching process with Nadia I have reconnected with myself and have come to better understand my potential, my weaknesses and what I love most in life. With her professional yet relaxed and friendly style, Nadia has helped me focus on what is most important in my life. I have rediscovered the value of having more harmony and joy on a professional and personal level. Thank you Nadia for guiding me in a wonderful way!
G. Reda
Head of Humanitarian Programs Asia, Middle East, Latin America at CAFOD-CARITAS, Italy

Coaching supports the process of awareness and professional and personal development initiated by the client to achieve specific goals. The focus is on the present moment and the future that the person wishes to achieve. Therapy, on the other hand, seeks to alleviate pain, and addresses dysfunction and conflict in the patient. It seeks to resolve past difficulties and restore the individual to a healthy and functional emotional state.


Consulting offers expert knowledge on business areas, and is contracted to diagnose problems and offer and/or implement specific solutions. Coaching is based on the principle that individuals and teams are capable of generating their own solutions, and will not offer answers or opinions, but rather a supportive framework that fosters the inherent potential of the individual.

I know Nadia as a colleague and as a friend. Both in work and in friendship she's very dedicated. A person with a broad interest in things and in the world around her, but nothing is ever superficial to her. She has a huge drive to explore her own boundaries, in work and in personal life. In Nadia you will find a hard-working, critical, intelligent and warm hearted person always going for the perfect result.
Adrienne Peters
Communicatiestrateeg met een journalistieke twist (zelfstandig) & coach in opleiding
Nadia is a people oriented, multilingual, meticulous, highly skilled and above all dedicated manager who time and again succeeds in getting the job done, to the satisfaction of all parties involved.
Serge Beckers
Healthcare and crisis communication specialist at Wisse Kommunikatie
Nadia has been very successful in using limited resources for maximum impact. She is very goal-oriented and not deterred easily from achieving great things in the interest of the organization. It is a pleasure to work with Nadia!
Walter Kurz, CPA, CMA, CIA
Nadia is an excellent professional, with a privileged strategic vision, a great capacity for work, and a commendable dedication and love for her work.... And, in addition, she is loved by everyone around her.
Susanna Oliver Palazón
Project Manager and Catalonia Delegate at Fundación World Vision
Nadia is very good at listening and picking out the importance in what people say, nothing passes her by. She is a fearless coach, who enables her clients to move forward to the next level with success. It has been a real pleasure working with her.
Kristina Zumpolle
Founder Zumflow
Nadia is a sensitive and thoughtful coach who I had the pleasure of studying with and being coached by. She has an ability to sift through the" story" and focus on the important aspects that create a shift for her clients to allow them to progress down their chosen path.
Anne Taylor
Lead with Emotional Intelligence to motivate and inspire your teams to greater performance and satisfaction (for all) / International Leadership & Executive Coach / Award-Winning Author of Soft Skills HARD RESULTS
Nadia is a very practical leader who transcends cultural barriers, she builds synergistic relationships with team members and key stakeholders. She is results-oriented and helps her staff by improving performance via an inclusive, problem-solving approach that emphasizes coaching and mentoring.
Paloma Auerbac
Director, Regional Marketing Development. Global Marketing & Comms Team, World Vision International
Nadia is an excellent coach, I was able to observe her during a program I did at the IDDI Coaching School (Univ. Francisco de Vitoria) and I remember the high impact of her coaching in the classroom sessions, as well as her pedagogical mastery to transmit and create a learning experience of high value for students. In his role as mentor-coach he has demonstrated with me a very high level of professionalism, his sessions are clarifying and inspiring, he provides you with structure and tools, and at the same time he gives you high quality feedback in relation to your practice as a coach; he helps you to build confidence, clearly identifying your strengths and areas where you have room for growth, with a very practical and effective style. Her human quality is very remarkable, first of all she is focused on the person, extremely empathetic, she listens and attends to your needs, I would say that she is a very generous and flexible person, she does not spare time or effort, her predisposition and attitude are excellent. Finally, she is serious and rigorous with her commitments. In summary, I clearly recommend Nadia both as a coach and as a workshop/training facilitator and of course as a mentor-coach for all coaches who want to improve their coaching practice or take it to the next level, also if they need guidance and mentoring-coach sessions for their ICF accreditation, as she masters this process.
Mª Fe Benito Oterino
Human Resources Expert at the Bank of Spain/Coach PCC - ICF/Expert European Commission-Business Coaching for Innovation Startups
Nadia accompanied me in my search for balance between my personal and professional life at a key moment. She made it a natural process, full of revealing discoveries and pills that will help me to anchor very important learnings for the future. Thank you for your closeness and active listening
Isabel Cubel
National Field Sales Manager, Red Bull
Nadia Peeters' experience, international profile and knowledge of coaching make her sessions with her especially transformative. She helps the client to acquire broad and differential perspectives on the challenges she brings to the table.
Angelita Montuenga
Senior Development Advisor, University of Navarra



The Leadership Circle has created the first 360º leadership methodology and assessment, which allows awareness and competence to grow together for more effective leadership.

Leadership Circle Profile (individual assessment)
  • Creates a snapshot of an individual's leadership style and effectiveness as a starting point for a management development process.

  • It measures Creative Competencies and Reactive Tendencies, the two main dimensions of leadership.

  • It not only evaluates competencies, it reveals to leaderswhat they do, why they do it and what actions they can take to take their leadership to the next level.

Leadership Culture Survey (organizational or team assessment)
  • It measures both the current situation and the desired situation.

  • Identifies the keys on which to build the strategic leadership development plan.

  • Enables a powerful conversation among the team.

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