We coaches also need to take care of ourselves
Coach Supervision is a support system that respects both the professionalism and humanity of the coach, and builds on both aspects to create a space for empowerment, self-discovery and development.
Despite working with people every day, the coach's professional life can sometimes be a bit lonely. The responsibility of accompanying the coachee in the process of change and sustaining the emotional process involved requires a significant amount of self-management. In addition, the need to maintain a high degree of client satisfaction can be an additional burden.
As the "beings of encounter" that we are, people need others in order to grow. The same coaching relationship we build with the client is an example of this. Coaches also need an accompaniment, a moment of encounter with another, in order to continue our own growth process.
Sound familiar?
Coach Supervision helps you to:
Supervision hours count as credits toward renewal of ICF and certifications. EMCC
Confidentiality is one of the pillars of the work of the coach and also of the supervisor. The supervisory setting is the only one where the coach can speak openly about specific instances of his or her professional practice. It is therefore good practice for a coach to inform all clients that he/she is doing professional development work with a supervisor, which will help him/her to be more effective. This demonstrates a responsible attitude and continuous improvement in their profession, and builds trust. At the same time, it is your obligation to protect the confidentiality of your clients, also in supervision. The way to do this is that the supervisor, or the other participants in the case of group supervision, should not know your client. The supervisor in turn must respect the principle of confidentiality of what arises during supervision sessions.