Are you ready for the ICF Theoretical Exam?

Part of the process of applying for an ICF credential involves taking an exam. This exam is taken after ICF has reviewed your "dossier" and the recording(s) you have submitted, i.e., several months after you apply. At that time you will receive an email and link to start the mock exam.

Two versions of the exam currently coexist:

  1. The CKA or Coach Knowledge Assessment exam, if you have applied before August 1, 2022.
  2. ICF Credentialling Exam, for applications made after August 1, 2022

Coach Knowledge Assessment

The CKA exam consists of 155 questions in case format, with 4 possible answers, based on the coach's knowledge of the (former) 11 key coaching competencies, and the Code of Ethics.

The exam is taken online through a link that the candidate receives once ICF has reviewed the recording of the coaching session submitted with your application. You will have 2 months to take the exam, and once started, you will have 3 hours, previously choosing the language of your preference. Once started, it is not possible to interrupt the exam, you must complete it, and upon completion, the result will be available immediately!

Coaches applying for their ACC, PCC or MCC credential on or after August 1, 2022 will take a new version of the theory exam based on the updated key competencies.

Preparing for the "old" version of the test

Read more detailed information about the CKA exam and watch a YouTube video explaining what to expect.

Preparing you for the new ICF theory exam

If you have submitted your credential application after August 1, 2022, you will be required to take the new version of the exam.

The new exam will be based on the 8 updated ICF competencies. This exam consists of 81 coaching scenarios with 4 possible answers. For each scenario, the candidate must choose the coach's best option and also the coach's worst option . You will have 3 hours to take it, and you can take it online from home but you can also go to an authorized center if you prefer to take it in person.

Here are some links with all the information you need to prepare. In the "Sample Questions" you can see the type of questions you can expect.

I hope you find this information useful in your preparation, and finally, trust in yourself and your experience as a coach! I'm sure it will work out well for you.