When a coach wants to be certified by ICF, the biggest hurdle is often not the "exams" to be passed; the recording of the coaching session to be presented, or the theoretical test, called CKA, which is also part of the certification process.

So what makes certification a real feat?

For many it is the application process itself: getting a good understanding of the requirements that ICF asks of the coach and knowing what they have to meet to begin their application. 

It is understandable that this is a somewhat complex procedure, because it seeks to "unify" coaches from all types of backgrounds and levels of experience worldwide through an ACC, PCC or MCC certification. Very different starting points to arrive at a common and standardized place. 

For some reason, perhaps because of the way my head is organized, and a bit because of my blue preference in the Insights Discovery model..., these procedures have always seemed crystal clear to me. So much so that after many individual conversations with coaches over the years, I now do free webinars to help them with the doubts they have in this process.

Pathways to ICF Certification

Going back to the image of different starting points, for some the path to get their certification is straight and easy, and for others longer and curvy. As if I were to arrive in Santiago after doing the Camino - which I have yet to do, so I do not speak from experience - it is not the same for someone starting from Oviedo as it is for a Japanese or American pilgrim. ICF has defined three different routes for this:

  • the ACTP Way
  • the ACSTH Way
  • Via Portfolio

The most complicated path to certification is when you have trained as a coach in a program that is not accredited by the ICF. In this case, you are on the Portfolio Track.

It is true that everything is made easier when your training has an ACTP or ACSTH seal, and your training program is based on the ICF competency model and has received its endorsement. In this case, ICF already knows where the coach comes from, and this makes you jump boxes.

La Via Portfolio

But in reality, don't let it scare you if you have to go the long way around. The main difference is that you have to provide material from the program where you trained to demonstrate that the ICF Key Coaching Competencies were covered. It's a bit more work, but it's perfectly doable.

To sort out all the requirements of this Via Portfolio, I have created a Checklist to help the coach to plan his certification process step by step. You can download it here, so take heart!

In addition, you can sign up for the following webinar, and participate in a conversation with other coaches to share your specific case and receive tips and tricks to get certified.