Changes in ICF requirements
ICF has just announced important changes in its certification and certification renewal requirements, and therefore they affect us all.
ACC Certification
One of the most relevant changes is that as of July 31, 2018, coaches who want to become ACC certified and do not have an ACTP degree will again have to take an oral exam. This requirement existed in the past, currently already applied to apply for the PCC via ACSTH, and the ACC if you do not have ICF accredited training (via Portfolio). It consists of presenting one (ACC) or two (PCC) recordings of real sessions with clients plus their literal transcription in Word.
The change favors coaches who have completed an ACTP-accredited training program at a coaching school, where the school conducts the oral exam and it is validated by ICF. By becoming certified with ICF, these coaches are not required to take an oral exam for either the ACC or PCC level, and it is up to the training entity to periodically justify that it meets all quality standards to maintain the accreditation seal.
Thus, the new measure means that every ACC coach will have demonstrated adequate mastery of the 11 Key Coaching Competencies and the ICF Code of Ethics through an oral exam. On the positive side, this step increases the value and credibility of an ACC certification in the eyes of our clients, but it can certainly also make it a little more difficult to obtain certification.
There are still a few months left to take advantage of the current conditions, and you will only need to submit the following:
- ACTP degree of at least 60h
- Client registration with 100 hours of coaching, minimum 75 hours paid
- 10 hours of mentor coaching, minimum 3 hours individual and maximum 7 hours group coaching.
- Written test: the "Coach Knowledge Assessment".
But, whether you want to present for this date or later, the mentoring process you do should prepare you for coaching aligned with the ICF competencies, with clear guidelines to be able to submit a recording to ICF that meets the requirements and pass the oral exam. Depending on whether your objective is to record a session to submit to the exam or not, your mentor will be able to propose a process that suits your development needs. At the end of this post you will find a link to the workshops I teach.
Renewal of certification
Effective March 2018, changes have also been made to the requirements for certification renewal. Every three years we have to demonstrate that we have continued our professional development as coaches and submit 40 CCE credits as evidence of this. Although the pool of CCE credits is very large, it is not always easy to collect them. Some of the new criteria make it easier, but others restrict the options.
These are the new rules:
1) To renew the ACC, you can now count the mandatory 10 hours of mentor coaching as part of the 40 credits under Core Competency Development. Since 1 hour corresponds to 1 CCE credit, you will only have to justify another 30 credits. This is good news!
2) In the case of PCC or MCC renewals, Mentor Coaching to receive feedback on your coaching aligned with the ICF competencies is no longer mandatory, but despite being considered a vital element of coach development, there is a limit of 10 hours maximum to include as part of the 40 credits. And for professional mentor coaches who were previously able to count their mentoring work under this heading, it is now also limited to 10 hours total.
3) Same for Coach Supervision, both receiving and facilitating, only 10 hours of this reflective work on your coaching practice may be submitted for credential renewal.
In conclusion, we are encouraged to seek a wider variety of continuing education. There are some more changes that you can consult on the ICF website at this link.
"How to prepare for the ICF written exam. Resolving doubts"
Many coaches ask me what are the steps and requirements to get certified by ICF, so I have organized a free webinar, so that I can clarify your doubts.
It will be on September 18, at 17:00 h.
Recommended for trained coaches who want to take the step to obtain the ACC or PCC accreditation with ICF.
I want to become certified
Very good Veronica, I will contact you to see what you need. Best regards
Hi, I am Susana Junqueras and I want to renew my PCC level, it expires in December 2019.
I have done the Team Coach training with ECC (European Coaching School) with 180 hours and it covers the competencies required by the Icf.
I am only missing the 3 hours training in Ethics, I don't know when that training will be. And I was told that the 10 hours supervision by an ICF supervising coach is not required.
Can you help me with this?
Hi Susana, Thank you for your question. You do indeed meet the requirements in continuing education and to renew the PCC you do not need mentor coaching hours, although they also serve to accumulate credits. You can find the free ICF course on ethics at this link:, to get the 3 mandatory credits in ethics.
Also, if you have not previously taken the written CKA (Coach Knowledge Assessment) exam, you will have to take it as well. I hope this information has helped you. Have a good renewal and contact me for any further questions. Best regards, Nadia
Good afternoon, I would like to certify via portfolio. My training was 250 hours and is aligned with the icf competencies and I have the number of client hours. But I don't quite understand the format of the documentation I have to submit (you indicate that it must be detailed enough) about my training. I signed up for your seminar in November but couldn't attend.
Will you do another one?
I want to renew my ACC certification with the ICF and I don't understand if I meet all the requirements. Since my last certification I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Integral and Organizational Coaching with UTEL in Mexico. This masters is 18 months and in May 2021 I will have completed one year in the masters with more than 400 hours of class and study. Can you please help me to confirm if this is enough and if not, what should I do to renew it?
Thank you,